Wildcaught Abalone
Ocean to plate
The Tasmanian wildcaught abalone is a prized seafood delicacy that is highly sought after for its exquisite taste and unique texture.
The waters surrounding Tasmania provide an ideal habitat for abalone, allowing them to grow slowly and develop their characteristic flavour. The remote location and strict regulations governing commercial fishing in Tasmania ensure sustainable harvesting practices, which contribute to the high quality of the wildcaught abalone.
Whether it is the blacklip or greenlip abalone, Tasmanian wildcaught abalone are known for their firm yet tender flesh, which boasts delicate and slightly sweet taste. It is often enjoyed raw, thinly sliced, and served as sashimi, or cooked in various ways to highlight its natural flavours.
With a variety of preparation methods available, you can explore the versatility of abalone and create unforgettable dining experiences. Enjoy the taste of Tasmania’s pristine waters with every exquisite bite.
Fishery Status
The Tasmanian abalone fishery is managed by quotas. The number of fish that can be caught in a pre-determined period in a fishery is referred to as the total allowable catch (TAC). Click here for more information on Tasmanian Abalone Fishery quota and data management.
Species Harvested
Blacklip Abalone
Greenlip Abalone

My name is Bryan, I am a proud Palawa fisherman
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Abalone with garlic, capers, parsley & lemon
by Massimo Mele
How to prepare Abalone
Step 1
The abalone is stuck to its shell by a small muscle about the size of a 50 cent piece.
Step 2
Hold the shell firmly in the palm of one hand, do not move this hand.
Step 3
With a sharp knife cut the abalone from the shell, cutting as close to the shell as possible so you don’t lose any meat.
Step 4
The guts can then be cut out and discarded and the lip removed if desired. While the lip is a little tougher than the rest of the meat, it is still delicious.
IndustryMeet a Fisherman
Paul Richardson
Paul Richardson (aka Sticky) has seen the highs and lows of the Tasmanian abalone fishery.
He started fishing in 1983, then progressed to being a deckhand on an abalone boat in 1986. He has several boats from which he can dive for Blacklip and Greenlip abalone, all based along different coastlines in the Southeast region of Tasmania.
He now uses a specially designed GPS data and depth logger to track when and where he dives. This technology helps to maintain a sustainable fishery now and into the future.
Sticky believes that the input of science will help the industry.
“It’s been a great fishery for me, and it can be again a great fishery for a hell of a lot of people.”
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