Urchins and Periwinkles
The Tasmanian commercial dive fishery selectively harvests three key species by hand from small vessels. The fishery has traditionally harvested two native species – shortspined sea urchin (Heliocidaris erythrogramma) and wavy periwinkles (Lunella undulata) – but has grown exponentially in recent years by harvesting range-extending longspined sea urchin (Centrostephanus rodgersii).
The urchin fishery operates almost year-round because the two urchin species spawn at different times of year, so each can be harvested when the roe quality peaks before spawning.
The fishery has been operating since the mid-1980s, was formalised with a management plan in 2005, and remains predominately owner-operated today with around 53 licences.
Fishery Status
The Tasmanian commercial dive fishery is managed by quotas. The number of fish that can be caught in a pre-determined period in a fishery is referred to as the total allowable catch (TAC). Click here for more information on Tasmanian commercial dive fishery quota and data management.
Species Harvested
Shortspined sea urchin
Wavy periwinkles
Longspined sea urchin

My name is Dani, I fish with my Dad around the East Coast
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