
Ocean to plate

Commercial scallops in South Eastern Australia are mostly harvested in Tasmanian state waters managed by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania (NRE) and in the Bass Strait Central Zone managed by the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA).

Scallop fisheries worldwide are notorious for their variability in recruitment with a high variability in stock abundance strongly influenced by environmental factors. Scallop stocks in southern Australia are no exception to this and historically both fisheries have been subject to highly variable annual catches and total fishery closures.

Strict fishery management measures have been successful in minimising the seasonal closures and maximising the economic returns. Measures include preseason surveys, spatial management, total allowable catches, individual transferable quotas, limited entry, gear limitations, seasonal closures and legal minimal sizes.

These strategies are designed to maximise stock rebuilding, protect stock for future access and limits fishing impacts on newly settled spat.
The Scallop Fishermen’s Association of Tasmania (SFAT) actively promotes and protects the best interests of scallop fishermen and processors and negotiates management and season arrangements with the Tasmanian government, NRE and AFMA.

The SFAT also monitors season harvesting and plays an on-going role in assisting industry members to maximise returns on a sustainable basis as well as regular laboratory testing of scallops to ensure that they are always safe for human consumption.

Fishery Status

The Tasmanian scallop fishery is managed by quotas. The number of fish that can be caught in a pre-determined period in a fishery is referred to as the total allowable catch (TAC). Click here for more information on Tasmanian scallop fishery quota and data management.

Species Harvested

Commercial scallop

Looking for Wholesale?

Check out our processors list. These suppliers sell live, frozen and processed product.

You can also ask your local fishmonger.

How we harvest your seafood

HistoryStories from way back

Cleaning scallops
Checking the catch